What is Site Planning? Why is so important to succeed in an architecture project?
Site Planning and Record Site
Record Site is the plan that reflects the existing conditions of the property where the project will be located. During Due Diligence, we research the local codes and requirements that will impact the design such as:
Fire Safety
Buffers and Setbacks
Adjacent Uses
Land Use
City's Masterplan
Site Planning is the process we carry on to come up with a site plan of the project. This is done during the Design Development Phase. Once we gather the city requirements, the Site Survey and a schematic design for the building, we have all the necessary information to develop the site along with the buildings, which go hand by hand.
Why is Site Planning so important?
Site design is key to knowing if a project is feasible or not, is a balance between the project requirements and the city requirements that will determine the amount of buildable area and the size of the building according to the use it's going to have. That's why it should be studied in the early stages of project development. A project has to comply with the parking, landscape and fire safety requirements to be approved and avoid suffering major changes.
Take into account
"Each city and state has its own special requirements, which are being updated over the years along with the intended land uses and the City development Masterplans. Each site plan is a unique tailored result of the project needs and city requirements". Constanza Gomez Wybert, Project Manager.
The experience of more than 100 successful projects is at your fingertips. We are ready to help you with the site plan and whatever you need.
Let's schedule a meeting!